
A large group of educators stand outdoors, raising their arms during a movement activity.

2023 Impact by the Numbers

February 22, 2024
2023 was a big year for us and farm to school in our region. We had some firsts: Universal School Meals was made permanent in Vermont, we launched our first Agricultural Educators Cohort, and states...
Sweet potato hummus ingredients in a manual food processor.

Recipe: Sweet Potato Hummus

February 12, 2024
Student engagement is always high with farm to school,” shares Charleston Elementary School Principal Christopher Lawson. “Kids are doing taste tests, planting in the greenhouse, cooking...
a autumn garden in bloom

Get Involved: October is Farm to School Month!

October 9, 2023
October is National Farm to School Month, a time for celebrating and supporting our vision to engage every child in a local food and farm culture that nourishes their bodies and minds, cultivates...
sprouts growing in a greenhouse

Vermont Flood Recovery Resources

August 9, 2023
"I feel like there's a lot of pressure on Gen Z to [be] the change, 'You're the generation that's gonna do everything!’ We didn't ask for that. [ F.E.A.S.T.] was a...
