
A serving bowl of Confetti Corn Salad on a buffet line.

Recipe: Confetti Corn Salad

August 4, 2023
Meals are central to the Northeast Farm to School Institute. Thank you to Chef Jim McCarthy and the team at The Mill Market for making healthy, delicious food to energize the teams. Photo by...
Linda leads students down the cow path, to see the milking herd on pasture.

Connecting Students to Vermont's Dairy Farms

June 12, 2023
Cambridge Elementary third graders bounded off the school bus, their pom-pom topped winter hats bobbing, as they circled up in front of the dairy barns. It had snowed the mid-May morning of their...
A colorful handout of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Supporting Climate & Food Justice

January 24, 2023
Climate justice and food justice intersect in so many arenas. Food is tied to energy, the economy, land, water, waste, and so many global topics. Climate is inherently interdisciplinary, affecting...

Communicating Your Farm to School Efforts

November 11, 2022
Farm to school and early childhood programs are ripe with stories: experiencing the crunch of a freshly picked snap pea for the first time, salad bars filled with fresh food from a local farm, or the...

What is Farm to School? Green Teacher Podcast Digs In

August 19, 2022
Photo by Ben Hudson. How does farm to school connect classrooms, cafeterias, and communities in order to change food system education in schools? Listen to Talking with Green Teachers interview...

How the Northeast is Building a Movement

July 29, 2022
“We need to move from competitive ideation, trying to push our individual ideas, to collective ideation, collaborative ideation. It isn’t about having the number one best idea, but having...
