Request for Proposals: Research Projects on Farm to School Programs

Posted on November 18, 2024

The Farm to School (FTS) movement is more than connecting students with local food systems—it’s also about using FTS as an integrated educational opportunity to improve student well-being, facilitate social-emotional learning, and embed educational values that foster sustainability, social responsibility, and community engagement.

This Request for Proposals is supported by funding from a recent USDA award to Shelburne Farms Institute for Sustainable Schools, which aims to explore the reach and impact of farm to school programs. In light of this funding, we seek two distinct but complementary research studies that would explore how FTS programs influence students' success across different populations, time scales and regions. The findings from these studies will provide essential insights to guide future policy, program development, and educational practices.


Study 1: Evaluating Benefits & Gaps in FTS Programs Using Existing Data

This project will use existing data sources such as the USDA Farm to School Census, demographic and geographic data, youth risk behavior surveys, and other relevant datasets to assess the benefits and identify gaps in farm to school (FTS) programs. The study will explore how FTS programs influence students' success across different populations and regions.

Key Research Questions:

  • What measurable impact do FTS programs provide in terms of youth behaviors related to social emotional learning (eg. empathy, self-efficacy), life-long skills, engagement, sense of community and more?
  • Which communities benefit from the current FTS effort? Do gaps exist in terms of program access, participation, and long-term effectiveness across different demographics?


Study 2: Retrospective Study on the Long-Term Impact of FTS Programs on Students

This retrospective study will explore the long-term impact of participation in FTS programs on students, particularly in terms of educational value, social-emotional learning (SEL), and career or life choices. The study will investigate how involvement in FTS programs has influenced former students’ personal development and community engagement over time, in a time period starting from 2010, forward.

Key Research Questions:

  • How have FTS programs influenced students’ long-term educational outcomes and SEL?
  • What career paths or community roles have former FTS participants pursued, and how do they relate to their experiences in FTS programs?
  • How do former students reflect on both the personal and community benefits of participating in FTS programs, including lifelong knowledge and skills?

Submission Instructions

Proposals should be submitted electronically through this form by January 15, 2025. The decision and initial contacts will be made in March. The final products should be delivered by July, 2027 (with the exception of in-progress peer-reviewing for journal publication).


Find full project, funding, and application details