Announcing Vermont Farm to School Conference & Call for Workshop Proposals
Posted on May 26, 2016
Save the date, and submit a workshop proposal by June 20!
Vermont Farm to School Conference:
Farm to School, Grow the Movement
November 2-3, 2016
Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee, VT
This is designed to bring together members and leaders of the farm to school community for education, networking and inspiration. The two-day Vermont Farm to School Conference will take place November 2-3 at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, bringing together community stakeholders who are dedicated to bringing farmfresh, local food to cafeterias and food, farm and nutrition education to schools. Learn more:
The conference will be designed to appeal to both beginners and experts, and will attract farmers, processors, distributors, teachers, school administrators, government officials, policy makers, Farm to School (FTS) coordinators, advocates, and non-profit partners. In addition, we will invite students engaged in FTS activities to develop a Youth Agenda for Vermont’s food system.
Goals of the VT Farm to School conference:
- Strengthen the connections between the Classroom, Cafeteria, and Community and share best practices from across the state
- Strengthen the Vermont Farm to School Network and connect people so they envision themselves as part of the FTS Movement
- Widen the audience aligned with Vermont’s Farm to School goals and strategies
Submit Workshop Proposals Online at:
No proposals will be accepted after: 5:00 pm June 20, 2016
Notification of proposal status by: July 15, 2016