Vegetable Lasagna Cups
Team: The Red Rockets
Host School: Twin Valley Middle High School
Age Group: Middle School
1 Eggplant 3 Zucchinis 2 Kale branches 4 cups panko 3 cup flour 4 eggs 3 cup olive oil
Cheese Mixture: 1.5 cup shredded mozzarella 1.5 cup shredded VT Cheddar 1.5 cup Ricotta
Marinara Sauce: 1 yellow onion, diced 1 large carrot, peeled and diced 1 bell pepper, diced 6 tomatoes, boiled and peeled 2 cloves garlic, peeled and diced 1 stalk celery 2 bay leaf 2 cup crushed canned tomatoes Fresh Basil Salt Pepper Brown Sugar Honey Red Chili Flakes
Preparation Instructions
Pr e p a r ati o n I n s t r u c t i o n s
1. Pre heat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Cut egg plant in half, skin one half and save the other. Slice semi thick circles that fit the muffin tin in diameter, about 12 circles. Lightly salt the circles. 3. Use the mandolin to thinly slice the zucchinis, about 12 strips. Lightly salt the strips. 4. In three separate bowls put the flour, eggs, and panko. Heat oil in frying pan over medium heat. Line bowls up so the panko is closest to the stove. 5. Dredge each eggplant slice in first the flour, then eggs, and lastly panko (cover completely). Place slices in the frying pan, cooking each side until lightly browned. Remove eggplant from pan and place on paper towel to dry. 6. After eggplant, repeat frying with zucchini strips. 7. In a bowl, mix the 3 cheeses by hand. 8. Grease a muffin tin and assemble as follows: Eggplant circle on bottom, cheese mixture, zucchini strip around the sides, fill with marinara, cheese mixture, sauteed kale. 9. Bake for 20-30 minu t es, u n til ch e ese m elts, kale is crispy, and edges are beginning to brown. 10. When done, use plastic utensils to free the lasagna cupcake from the tin. Slide them around the sides, then under the eggplant bottom. Quickly lift and remove. Use care to keep cupcake intact. 11. Place on plate, and decorate with extra marinara and basil For the marinara: 1. In a skillet, heat t h e olive oil o n m e diu m h e a t 2. In a p o t, b oil t h e w a t e r. A d d pinch o f salt. 3. Add carrots and onion and saute for 5-8 min u t e s until onions are translucent and carrots soft. 4. Add the garlic and continuously stir for another minute. Remove f r o m h e a t a n d place t o t h e si d e. 5. Once boiling, slit bottoms of tomatoes and add t o h o t w a t er. W ait a b o u t 1 min u t e, o r u n til t h ey p e el. 6. Remove with slotted spoon, and place in ice bath. Empty hot water and save pot. 7. Finish hand peeling and crush out seeds. Thro w fresh t oma t o es b ack in p o t a n d a d d ca r r o t, o nio n, garlic mixture, crushed tomatoes. Stir. 8. Add spices, honey, brown sugar & bring to a boil. 9. Once the sauce boils, reduce to low heat and simmer for 2 0 min u t es t o co ok d o w n liq uid.